View Content #6010

Content Type1
TitleCall for Papers: New and Emerging Technologies in ELT

New and Emerging Technologies in ELT
Loyolla College, Chennai, India, August 3 - 5 , 2007

This will be a three-day event organized by the English Language Teachers' Association of India (ELTAI) and the IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG. The event will host a variety of practical and theoretical presentations centering on the conference's theme of new and emerging technologies. The talks and workshops will cater both to experienced and novice teacher-users of learning technologies.

Papers addressing a variety of aspects in the application and research of New and Emerging Technologies in language teaching and learning will be considered. Main area of interest to the conference is Web 2.0 and its effects on the learning and teaching of languages. Other proposals which are related to the general area of learning technologies will also be considered. Sample areas of interest to the conference are:

* podcast and vodcast technology
* implementation of CMC technologies
* issues in teacher and learner training
* blogs and wikis
* research on implementation and effectiveness of Learning Technologies
* the use of Virtual Learning Environments
* Virtual Worlds

Proposals for contributions to the conference should be submitted by 20th April 2007.

More information available at .

SourceInternational Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language
Inputdate2007-04-08 09:47:48
Lastmodifieddate2007-04-08 09:47:48
Expdate2007-04-22 00:00:00
Publishdate2007-04-09 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set