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TitleIdeas for Teaching and Discussing Literature
An FLTEACH user recently asked, “Do any of you, no matter the language you teach, have ideas of how to teach a novel/short story/work of literature--how to present it, how to get students engaged, how to keep them engaged?”

Gibson, S. Teaching and Discussing Literature. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 28 Feb 2007).

Responses included the following :

Here are some fun activities that I had my students do:

1) Create a newspaper about the events of a chapter
2) Have students keep journals, but taking a character's role and writing what that individual character's take on the chapters' events was
3) Students would have a debate about different events in a chapter/reading, but from specific characters' points of views (I would assign a character to each student)
4) Hold a "public hearing" or a mock trial regarding an event in the reading--like whether or not one character's treatment towards another character was justified
5) Create a new ending to a novel
6) Add another stanza to a poem (or change it)
7) Create a television newscast regarding the events from a particular reading

Re: Teaching and Discussing Literature. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 28 Feb 2007).

I use Guessing at missing information, jigsaw reading, making a dialogue between two of the characters, writing a letter to a character, writing Chapter 0, writing the ending... (before you read the ending) changing the ending. Part two, What the author left out, reading to half the class (then they have to tell the other half what happened) the next day you switch. Illustrating parts of the story/chapters, retelling the story/part based on the illustrations.

Alonso, D. Re: Teaching and Discussing Literature. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 28 Feb 2007).

You might consider some kind of graphic organizer. You could draw one on the board and ask the students to "help" you to come up with ideas about the theme(s) of the story, similarities/differences between (among) characters, even vocabulary such as adjectives that describe characters,setting, etc.

Rebenstein, C. Re: Teaching and Discussing Literature. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 1 Mar 2007).

The full thread is accessible in the FLTEACH archives at .

Inputdate2007-03-25 10:20:57
Lastmodifieddate2007-03-25 10:20:57
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Publishdate2007-03-26 00:00:00
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