View Content #596

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TitleThe Future of TOEFL Testing…
From : TOEFL

ETS is committed to building assessments that promote learning for all people worldwide. The English Language Learning program is meeting that goal by offering a new series of educational tools and services.

1). On the Horizon.........Next Generation TOEFL
A comprehensive assessment of communicative competence that integrates all four language skills: Reading, Listening, Writing, and now, SPEAKING! Learn more now!

2) TAST Evaulate Academic English Speaking Skills
Evaluate Academic English Speaking Skills!
TAST assesses the academic English speaking proficiency of students whose native language is not English. All you need is a computer and telephone! Learn more now!

3) LanguEdge Courseware
LanguEdgeTM Courseware
Introducing a CD-ROM instructional tool for use in the ESL classroom that makes it easier for teachers to build and assess the communicative skills of their students. Find out more.

4) Measure English Skills in the Global Workplace
The Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) measures the everyday English skills of people working in a business environment. Find out more about TOEIC.

For More Information see:
Inputdate2003-09-25 14:03:00
Lastmodifieddate2003-09-25 14:03:00
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