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TitleIdeas for Practicing the Passive Voice
Here are some ideas for practicing the passive voice submitted by an American Association of Teachers of German listserv user:

1. At this time of year, you can create an exercise about winners of recent music and movie awards and bowl games, as well as singers and other famous people. A colleague gave the students three columns: agent, verb, and object, and had students match those three elements to create sentences in both active and passive voice.

Z. B. Die Superbowl-meisterschaft wurde von dem Team X gewonnen. Das Team X gewann die Superbowl-meisterschaft.

Agents could include: sports teams, der Dichter Shakespeare, die Sängerin (somebody recent), der Physiker Albert Einstein, der Schauspieler (whoever), Beethoven, Columbus, Bill Gates, Lee Harvey Oswald. Students then match these people to their deeds. Or you could give students just the agents and have them say what those people did; I find it's easier to give students the vocabulary, though, if your goal is to practice forming the passive. Including a few recent pop stars makes it interesting for students, and keeping some of your examples perennial means less work for you in redoing the exercise every year.

2. Another idea from the same colleague is to have students describe some stereotypical product from another country using passive; the other students have to listen and then say what the thing is. You provide each student with a thing to be described. Z.B. Diese Schuhe werden oft im Sommer getragen. (other students guess: Sandalen) Dieses Getraenk wird oft in England getrunken. (Tee) Other things to guess could include Ford, BMW, Volvo, cowboy boots, rice, beer, cheese, chocolate, Birkenstocks, sombrero, spaghetti, capuccino, toga, burrito.

3. You can have the students write rules for the classroom, e.g., hier wird nur Deutsch gesprochen. Hier wird nicht gegessen.

4. Have students make resolutions for the new year (or new semester): ab jetzt wird mehr gearbeitet!

5. Have students imagine that they had a wild party and the police were called. What was written in the official report about the part? Give students the verbs and have them write the report. Beispiel: Moebel wurden geworfen. Laute Musik wurde gespielt.

Seidlitz, L. [AATG-L] Passive Voice. American Association of Teachers of German listserv (AATG@LISTSERV.IUPUI.EDU, 25 Jan 2007).

Inputdate2007-03-15 11:54:40
Lastmodifieddate2007-03-15 11:54:40
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Publishdate2007-03-19 00:00:00
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