View Content #5772

Content Type1
TitleHeritage Language Learner Resources

The articles at this website address various topics related to heritage language instruction. Some are journal articles and some are contributions to FLTeach.

-Teacher Beliefs and the Heritage Language Learner: What Will You Teach Your Students? (How does what you believe about yourself as a teacher and what you believe about your students' abilities impact your teaching?)

-Roots of Varietal Prejudice: Could it be the Spanish Language Classroom? (Why are students convinced that they speak "bad" Spanish? This article traces the history of the linguistics and language instruction to the Spanish conquest of the Americas and makes connections between the negative attitudes toward different varieties of Spanish and the goals of that conquest.)

-The Invisible Learner Unlocking the Heritage Language Treasure (This article discusses how to serve all heritage learners in your foreign language classroom--those who are learning their own language in addition to those who are learning a third language.)

-Metalinguistic Awareness in Multilingual's: Cognitive Aspects of Third Language Learning (This article discusses the advantages that individuals might have learning their third language.)

-Documentary Film Review "I Speak Arabic"

-Should School Districts Redirect Funds or Resources Toward Developing New Programs for Critical Languages? (The National Security Language Initiative has created new opportunities to teach languages other than English. This article will present a historical background of this initiative and how funding priorities need to be changed in order to produce the broad-based linguistic and cultural proficiency that is lacking.)

-FLTeach contributions: Heritage Language Instruction, Immigration Debate, The Internet, Videos Recommendations

These articles are available at .

SourceDiana Scalera’s Website
Inputdate2007-02-18 10:55:42
Lastmodifieddate2007-02-18 10:55:42
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2007-02-19 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set