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TitleFairfax Schools to Defy NCLB ESL Testing Requirement
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Supervisors Step Up In 'No Child' Fight
Immigrant Testing Rule Called Unfair

By Bill Turque
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, February 6, 2007

The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors sided with school officials yesterday in a showdown with the Bush administration over the federal No Child Left Behind law, accusing the U.S. Department of Education of having a "tin ear" in its policy toward testing immigrant students.

Supervisors voted 8 to 1 to endorse the School Board's decision last month to defy a Bush administration directive to give certain students still learning English reading exams that cover the same grade-level material as those taken by their peers who are native speakers. Instead, the school system will continue to use tests it says are better tailored to those learning English as a second language.

The dispute turned political and a bit personal at the supervisors' meeting yesterday. Board Chairman Gerald E. Connolly (D) took exception to a letter from Education Secretary Margaret Spellings, published in Sunday's Washington Post, accusing Fairfax and other Virginia school systems of dragging their feet in meeting what she called the "Standards Clause" of the law, requiring children with limited English to meet the same standards as other students.

"I speak not just as a policy wonk but as a mom whose daughter attended a Fairfax County school," Spellings wrote. "It's time to remember that yes, Virginia, there is a Standards Clause."

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