View Content #5657

Content Type1
TitleOral Language Archive

The Oral Language Archive is a collection of recordings of native speakers for the study of foreign languages. The Archive's unit of progress is the Volume, comprising 72 minutes of digital audio on compact-disc. Each Volume contains up to 50 dialogues, recorded using topical guidelines developed in the European Union to characterize the language needs of employees traveling and living internationally. Students working with properly contextualized OLA recordings are better prepared for common real-life situations involving foreign languages and cultures.

Volumes on audio CD are available from Carnegie Mellon University. Site licenses for Archive volumes are also available, for which dialogues will be distributed in a format appropriate for LAN or Intranet use. It is also possible to license dialogues for inclusion in courseware for commercial or academic redistribution.

Samples in various languages can be played from this web site.

Samples and more information are available at .
SourceCarnegie Mellon University
Inputdate2007-01-27 11:31:19
Lastmodifieddate2007-01-27 11:31:19
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2007-01-29 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set