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TitleActivity Ideas for Clothing and Appearance
Here are some ideas from the FLTEACH listserv for practicing describing clothing and personal appearance.

I always cut out magazine pictures of famous people to introduce my vocabulario-Brittany Spears tiene pelo rubio, Mary-Kate es delgada, Ruben Stoddard es gordo, etc. Then I pass the pictures around and have the students pair up and describe the pictures to each other. I also dress up my daughter's Barbie dolls to describe clothing and do the same thing about the students discussing the Barbies. You can always go to Goodwill and get a suitcase full of larger clothes and play all sorts of games with them too!

Humphrey, J. Re: clothes, colors, personal characteristics (en espanol 1.2). Foreign Language Teachers Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 18 Oct 2006).

I play "you name it or you wear it" when introducing clothing. You need a bag of old clothes- the uglier the better! You pull out the item and if the student can't name it, they have to wear it. A collegue of mine changed the rules so that students can challenge each other. The first student challenges another. I pull out the item and the challenger has to write the correct word on his whiteboard. The other student has to name the article of clothing. If he can't, he has to wear it. If he can, the person who challenged him has to wear it.

Bressler, J. Re: clothes, colors, personal characteristics (en espanol 1.2). Foreign Language Teachers Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 7 Nov 2006).

I used to do this also when teaching clothing (the activity mentioned above), but I took it a step further and told the students that as long as they could say (or spell) the word correctly, *I* would wear it. They all thought it was hilariously funny to see me standing there looking like a sumo wrestler in ALL those clothes.

Bolt, M. Re: clothes, colors, personal characteristics (en espanol 1.2). Foreign Language Teachers Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 8 Nov 2006).

Do you remember the game "7-up"? Well... I actually have my HIGH SCHOOLERS play it! Just with a twist... As the original game, I choose 7 random kids to be "up" and then the rest of the class puts their heads down and their thumbs up. The seven "up" go around and each thump one student's thumb until seven students are chosen. THEN, the seven students who were chosen need to stand up and identify who they think thumped them BY TELLING WHAT THE STUDENT IS WEARING.

Flaskrud, P. Re: clothes, colors, personal characteristics (en espanol 1.2). Foreign Language Teachers Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 7 Nov 2006).

Coming next week: Part 2, more activity ideas.

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