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TitleWebsite about African Cultures in Cuba

Today the island of Cuba contains priceless survivals of African cultures - Yoruba, Congo, Old Dahomey, and the Efik/Efo from the Cross River Delta (Nigeria), giving birth to Abakwa and Brikamo. In addition, Cuba hosts a number of communities from the diaspora, especially the Caribbean -- Jamaica, the Bahamas, and other English speaking islands as well as Haiti.

Each community maintains its identity through language, music, dance, religion, and membership organizations ranging from the cabildos (casa templos), self-help associations dating from the days of slavery and organized under African rules, to the West Indian Welfare Center, which just celebrated its 50th anniversary. There is a wealth of culture for those discerning enough to look. Our aim is to help you do that by putting up as much material as we can. See our Table of Contents to access such major categories as Music, Author & Teachers on AfroCuban culture, Organizations that teach courses and workshops or are involved in the promotion of the African cultures of Cuba, as well as a number of other categories. We have:

Featured major artists and authors
Schedules for music groups, especially those performing in the US.
A Newsletter to alert you to new developments.

In all, there are now over 700 pages of information available on this web site, with more being added via the What's New section.

Visit the site at .

Inputdate2006-12-31 01:21:48
Lastmodifieddate2006-12-31 01:21:48
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2007-01-01 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set