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TitleLocation and Transportation (Ir and Estar)
A query to the FLTEACH listserv looking for some good ways of introducing estar and ir along with the topic of places/transportation received the following activity suggestions:

I personally like group activities so students can help each other out. How about sitting students in groups of four and giving each group a map with all of the places you are studying (black line master of the overhead from the text or a drawing made by students) and a small figure (shaped erasers or elementary school manipulatives work well) to move around the map. Person A puts the figure in a location and says "Frank is in the pharmacy and he is buying medicine. Then Frank goes to the school because he is going to talk to the teacher." Person B has to move the figure to the school and says "Frank is in the school and he is talking to the teacher. Then Frank goes to the park and Frank is going to play with his friends." Person C moves the figure to the park etc. This way each student practices "is" with location and present progressive as well as practicing 'to go' with movement and the immediate future. For subsequent rounds the subject could be changed to cover all forms. This might be a little complex for an introduction, but would work as a practice/review. As an introduction you could do this on the overhead in steps, do just the first half of each sentence to start, Frank is in the pharmacy(figure still), and he goes to the school (move figure along the road emphasizing goooooeeeeeessssss while you move him).

Barrios, M. Re: Introduction of Places with Estar & IR- suggestions please? Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 16 Nov. 2006).

You could set up different places in the four corners of the room (ex. la escuela, el centro comercial, la casa, el supermercado). Choose a few volunteers to stand in each corner. at each station have cut-outs of different forms of transportation (avion, autobus, coche, taxi, etc.). Then just start putting sentences in context and have the kids act it out. ex: Jenny esta en la escuela. Ella va a la casa en autobus. She then takes the bus over to the la casa corner. You could continue, using two people to show estan or the entire class to show nosotros. It's interactive and might be fun.

Bowman, J. Re: Introduction of Places with Estar & IR- suggestions please? Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 16 Nov. 2006).

I like to have my students design their own city on construction paper... They have to give the places names according to a theme... Then I have them do a diologue... they have to go to different places during two days and do different things...

Pickles, J. Re: Introduction of Places with Estar & IR- suggestions please? Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 16 Nov. 2006).

I have done a similar activity in French with aller. I found pictures of a few places that the students already know how to say. I would say sentences like, "Jessica va au cinema" and the student named would have to go to the place mentioned. I would vary it by telling 2 students, or myself to go somwhere.

Keidel, L. Re: Introduction of Places with Estar & IR- suggestions please? Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 19 Nov. 2006).

Inputdate2006-12-17 10:27:25
Lastmodifieddate2006-12-17 10:27:25
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Publishdate2006-12-18 00:00:00
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