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TitleCalll for Papers: Kant Revisited: Testing Output and Outcomes

Immanuel Kant revisited: testing the output and outcomes of L1,2,n reading/ writing/visual literacy and discourse competencies

A Thematic Strand of AILA 2008 -- the 15th World Congress of Applied Linguistics -- Multilingualism: Challenges and Opportunities

August 24-29, 2008
Essen, Germany

This symposion aims at the presentation of a wide array of assessment and evaluation measures with regard to reading, written and/or visual literacy and discourse competencies in different institutionalised and non-institutionalised domains (e.g. school, vocational training, professional fields like business, journalism/media, any other biographically relevant learning context) from a clear-cut educational perspective.

Nowadays, formative or summative assessment and evaluation have become well-established measures to meet the demands of accountability in education systems and in all kinds of professional fields. For example, the PISA-Consortium has made great efforts to develop test concepts and items on the background of a functional approach of education. However, this approach and its operationalisation by specific proficiency scales and levels could be improved or even substituted, if there were more elaborated theoretical heuristics and empirical results at hand being committed to testing the educational output and/or, if possible, the educational outcomes.

Researchers from text-, pragma- and sociolinguistics, as well as from applied, cognitive or educational linguistics are invited to put their empirically tested concepts to the fore (e.g. portfolio, semi-structural interviews on learning biographies, assessment dialogues, oral proficiency interviews, tests of second language pragmatics, Discourse Complementary Tests, Information Gap Tasks in interaction, Cloze-tests, test constructs on the basis of the Item Response Theory) and to discuss the achieved competencies in terms of their educational impact to be identified as a specific output or as somehow measurable outcomes. In this context, we would appreciate a discussion on im-/possibilities of controling presage and process variables that are supposed to have an impact on the learning effects (output, outcomes).

Submission deadline is January 15, 2007.

More information about this strand is available at .

Inputdate2006-12-17 09:53:17
Lastmodifieddate2006-12-17 09:53:17
Expdate2007-01-16 00:00:00
Publishdate2006-12-18 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set