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TitleIdeas for Activities on Family
A recent query on the FLTEACH forum about activities around the topic of family generated the following ideas:

You can have the students draw or cut out characters to create their own family trees. They would need to label the relationships, like "padre," "madre," "tío," etc. Then they could present their family tree to the class. They can do a tree about their actual family, or they can make one up. You can also have them do it in groups instead, and make up the family members, or have one student's family presented in the poster they will later present to the entire class.

You can introduce the unit by talking about your own family, like on a power point presentation or by bring in photos to share with the class. You talk about your family and your relationship to them. Then, have a quick quiz about who's related to who. That way your students are held accountable for what you "show-and-telled" the class.

Hanson, D. Re: Question. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (14 Nov. 2006).

I have my students create a family--"la familia ideal", "la familia más loca", "la familia más bonita", etc... They create these families using famous people and then they have to write 3-4 sentences about each one--how old they are, where they are from, what they are like. Then I have them create either a power point presentation or a mini-family album... And they ARE allowed to use their own family members, BUT they MUST present a minimum of FIVE family members.

Flaskrud, P. Re: break projects. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (20 Nov. 2006).

I would probably give a quiz over some of the information presented by the students to encourage the students not presenting to listen to the other students and decipher what they are saying.

The students could ask a partner interview questions about their family and then they can give a presentation about their partner's family.

They can make a family tree or album for a fictional character like Santa Claus.

Dames, K. Re: break projects. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (20 Nov. 2006).

Here is a twist on the family tree idea: they must be able to "justify" why they chose certain members of the family. For example, for children (and I have minimums for each generation), they must tell how they "relate" to their parents; ie Jennifer Lopez is the daughter of say, Tony Bennett and Martha Stewart --they can say that JLo sings as does her father. That sort of thing. It makes it very interesting, as often they will come up with things I wouldn't have thought of or even their classmates didn't think of.

Jarrell, G. family tree ideas. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (21 Nov. 2006).

I made a family tree of the royal Spanish family. their web site is you can download pictures etc. We also describe them physically and talk about their birth dates... this leads us into house vocab.. where we look at the royal palace and take a virtual tour at

Walters, S. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (25 Nov. 2006).

Inputdate2006-11-26 10:42:08
Lastmodifieddate2006-11-26 10:42:08
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Publishdate2006-11-27 00:00:00
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