View Content #5339

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TitleNew Article: A Catch-22 for Language Learners (ELL and NCLB)
From the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development,

Educational Leadership
Volume 64, Number 3
November 2006

A Catch-22 for Language Learners

Wayne E. Wright

No Child Left Behind is leaving English language learners behind because it defies logic and common sense, is internally self-contradictory, and sets AYP expectations that the subgroup cannot possibly attain. Although the U.S. Department of Education allows states to use a variety of strategies to avoid having a Limited English Proficiency (LEP) subgroup, few teachers and administrators are aware of these and spend precious time, energy, and resources preparing English learners for taking high-stakes tests. English language learners should be excluded from the regular state tests, at least until they have enough English proficiency to meaningfully participate. Instead of narrowly focusing on preparing English language learners for state tests, teachers should focus on meeting students' linguistic, cultural, and academic needs.

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Inputdate2006-11-26 09:59:23
Lastmodifieddate2006-11-26 09:59:23
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Publishdate2006-11-27 00:00:00
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