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TitleGerman Culture Lesson Plans Available Online

The Max Kade Institute is providing a number of lesson plans to K-12 educators. These lesson plans, developed by the Institute or teachers, have the following goals in mind:

- Making authentic, historic materials available to educators in an accessible and usable form.
- Linking school instruction with the community, as well as to local and family history.
- Providing suggestions to teach a topic across subject lines and furthering interaction at the school level.

All lesson plans are copyright © Max Kade Institute for German American Studies at the University of Wisconsin/Madison, unless otherwise noted. All materials can be copied and duplicated for educational purposes.

1. Foods and Food Traditions:
a. Kaffee- und Teegesellschaften (German, Levels I-IV)
b. Using Pictures in Historic German-American Cookbooks: Advertisements (German, Levels I -II)
c. Recipes for Sick People in Historic German-American Cookbooks (German) [available soon]
d. Breaking Bread - Bridging Cultures (Social Studies, all Levels)

2. Ratgeber
a. Health (German, Beginning/Developing Level)
b. Geography and Travel (German, Developing/Transitioning Level)
c. The Good and Successful Citizen (German, Beginning to Refining Level)

3. Local History
a. Das Lutze Einhaus: A Story for Students of German, (Levels I and II)

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SourceMax Kade Institute
Inputdate2006-10-28 01:41:29
Lastmodifieddate2006-10-28 01:41:29
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2006-10-30 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set