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TitleFree Writing Exercise Suggestions (Part 2)
Here are some more ideas for free writing prompts. Many of these involve bringing in objects to get studentsÂ’ creative juices flowing.


I have an idea that has worked well for journal writing and may work for free writing, too. I ask the students to write a question or topic that interests them on a slip of paper (each student can have as many slips of paper as s/he likes), and I collect the slips in an envelope, tossing in some of my own ideas as well.

When I ask the class to write a journal entry for homework, there's a choice: a student can either write on a topic of his/her own choosing or answer the question-du-jour that I pull out of the envelope and write on the board.

I've also brought to class a grab bag of small items to inspire freewriting. Toys, stuffed animals, tools, kitchen supplies, travel souvenirs, etc. This would work in small classes only, where everyone could easily see the object you pulled out of the bag.

Butler, L. Unique free write prompts. Teachers of English to speakers of other languages electronic list. TESL-L@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (27 Sept. 2006).


Take in several physical and quite unique, characterful prompts, e.g. an old book, a pair of well-worn leather boots, a large silvery, old-fashioned-looking alarm clock, a boomerang, a small wind-up music box. Physical, whimsical, any collection of fairly unique objects can stimulate some very interesting writing. Our students lead interesting lives and have some good stories to tell us. We just need to let them. And all of us have something at home that is small, portable, and carries with it a wealth of potential meaning, usually not the same meaning that we ascribe ourselves.

Graham, A. Re: unique free write prompts. Teachers of English to speakers of other languages electronic list. TESL-L@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (28 Sept. 2006).
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Lastmodifieddate2006-10-10 15:22:00
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Publishdate2006-10-16 00:00:00
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