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TitleFree Writing Exercise Suggestions
A recent request on the TESL listserv for free writing activity ideas received several interesting suggestions. Here is one response; look for more of these in the coming weeks. Although these came from teachers of English, they may be useful for teaching any language and a variety of levels.


Cambridge University Press has a book called “The Mind's Eye” by Maley, Duff and Grellet. It had unusual photos with creative writing prompts. The kind of prompts it featured... opened me up to a new and virtually limitless world of free prompts. Take any photo, strange or normal, and ask the following questions:

- This is the last scene in a movie. What was the movie about?
- This picture illustrates a poem. Write the poem.
- What was happening right before this picture was taken? What will happen right after?
- Write the conversation the people in the photo are having.
- Write a story incorporating this scene. By the way, your must prominently feature the word "Shark" (some word that has absolutely no connection to the photo.)
- Look at the object in the photo. It is someone's most treasured possession. Who owns it and why is it so treasured?

Art is another great prompt, and I used to keep a couple of art books on my class shelves. Some art related questions:
- Why is xyz a good or not-so-good name for this painting?
- You are in this scene. How do you feel? What do you do or want to do?
- Which of these two scenes would you rather be part of - why?
- How are these two paintings the same? (The paintings don't have to look at all the same!)

With abstract art (this also works well with musical prompts):
- This represents an era or event in world history. Which one does it represent? It represents a person in your life, a kind of music, a place you know, something that happened to you....

Spelleri, M. Re: unique free writing prompts. Teachers of English to speakers of other languages electronic list. TESL-L@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (27 Sept. 2006).
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Lastmodifieddate2006-10-05 00:08:00
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Publishdate2006-10-09 00:00:00
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