View Content #5032

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TitleMath in the Foreign Language Classroom
Has your school set a goal to improve mathematics scores? A recent query on the FLTEACH listserv regarding how to incorporate math skills into foreign language lessons generated lots of practical ideas. Here are a few of them. This week’s installment includes a short list of ways to practice conversion (currency, metric/English, etc.) while learning about culture, as well as a testimonial from a teacher whose school has successfully tackled this kind of curricular integration.


Metric conversions (have them translate a weather forecast? A recipe? Their height & weight? Clothing sizes? Whatever unit you're working on!) and money conversions from the local currency to American dollars (how much is a hamburger? A gallon of gas? A movie ticket?) coupled with Internet searches are two really easy ways to incorporate math.

Blaz, D. Re: Schoolwide math goal. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (27 Aug. 2006).


I am a Math/Spanish teacher. We went through the same thing. It was an uproar. But we all had to team up and look for the positive aspects of it. Once we were told we did not have a choice, everybody became very creative, otherwise we were going to lose a lot of our Spanish time doing math. Creativity will kick in fast when your field is in jeopardy.

We have all met the adequate yearly progress goals, and we have become the model in our state.

Look at the teachers' standards and curriculum. You will find a lot in common with what we teach. Numbers, graphs, Venn diagrams, number lines, pattern using color or number, measurement, averages, tables, data collection, geometry. The food unit, with the food pyramid.

It is hard to get started on a whole school improvement, but the result will be great if you have a good team.

Massae, A. Re: Schoolwide math goal. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (28 Aug. 2006).

Inputdate2006-09-06 18:49:00
Lastmodifieddate2006-09-06 18:49:00
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Publishdate2006-09-11 00:00:00
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