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TitleTaking ELLs to the Library
Recently a librarian asked English teachers on the TESL listserv for advice on teaching English language learners to use the library for their research. Here is one response; look for more of these in the coming weeks. Although these were submitted by college-level teachers, these ideas may be helpful for teachers and librarians of all levels.


I brought my students to the library to help them get information for research papers. Our librarian gave them a physical tour and a demo of how to find information on LexisNexis, in academic journals online, etc. The tour was very complete and maybe a little more than the students could follow, though they needed all of it. She had handouts explaining each process, which was very helpful, since the students could refer to them later.

I think the most useful thing for my students was that she told the students where she'd be after class and encouraged them to ask her for help. She told them the names of the other reference librarians and when they'd be there. She mentioned specific things that they could get help with from the reference librarians and presented that help as something that they routinely offered to native speakers who used the library.

As a result, nearly all of my students stuck around in the library to work following the tour and most of them did ask her for help. (She told me this in an email after I wrote to thank her for the tour.) I think many of them had felt like all American students "just knew" how to do those things, so the reassurance that everyone needs the librarians' help was the push they needed to ask for it. (And they needed the push! Ordinarily, they'd rather go hungry than order something they couldn't pronounce on a menu.)

If the students were not working on a specific project when they came, I'd recommend inventing something like an information scavenger hunt to make sure they practiced while they were there.

Kemp, A.C. Re: ESL students and the library. Teachers of English to speakers of other languages electronic list. TESL-L@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (16 Aug. 2006).
Inputdate2006-09-06 14:27:00
Lastmodifieddate2006-09-06 14:27:00
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Publishdate2006-09-11 00:00:00
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