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TitleMix It Up with Maps
Here are a couple of fun ways to facilitate pair work and ensure that students work with a variety of partners, while re-enforcing some basic concepts.


I've heard several people mention that at the beginning of the year, they give their students a worksheet with a clock or a daily schedule page. The students then find a partner for 1:00 and write the other person's name at 1:00; they are then "1:00" partners. They continue for the other hours. This way, the teacher can say, "Do this exercise with your 5:00 partner" (or whatever time) and it prevents the students from working with the same person over and over.

I decided to try that this year, but with a twist: we did a geography lesson today, looking at the different francophone countries that we'll "visit" during the semester via the textbook. After the students identified the countries, they found a partner and wrote their names for some of the countries. Now, I can tell them to work with their Canadian partner or their Tahiti partner--and it will require them to look at the map regularly! (Last year, they had to identify countries on the final exam, and they did dreadfully--apparently Haiti is in Africa and Tahiti is next to Guadeloupe??? I want us to keep revisiting maps this time around.)

Just thought I'd share that idea and thank the folks who suggested the clock activity!

Dodson-Knight, S. Clock partners? Map partners! Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (30 Aug. 2006).
Inputdate2006-08-30 18:46:00
Lastmodifieddate2006-08-30 18:46:00
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Publishdate2006-09-04 00:00:00
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