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TitleBooks for 11-Year-Old Readers
A recent request on the AATG listserv for recommended books for an enthusiastic 11-year-old reader of German received the following suggestions.


He might enjoy a series of books put out by Rowohlt [RoRoRo], by Emer O'Sullivan and Dietmar Rösler. It's about 2 young people whose parents, 1 from Germany and 1 from Ireland, have made a blended family. The whole book is partly in German and partly in English and very understandable. They form sentences in ways that you understand what's being said with a limited amount of German. They're kind of adventure stories and I think quite enjoyable. Some titles I know are “It could be worse - oder?”, “Mensch, be careful!” and “I like you - und du?” These say "ab 13".

Slosser, M. Re: [AATG-L] Books for an 11-year-old avid reader. American Association of Teachers of German listserv. (2 Aug. 2006).


Try Alphabet Garten. They have readers for all levels. Sarah is most knowledgeable and accommodating. Her site is .

Schaefer, G. Re: [AATG-L] Books for an 11-year-old avid reader. American Association of Teachers of German listserv. (2 Aug. 2006).


One of the latest young reader series in Germany comes with movies: “Die wilden Fussballkerle". If he watches the films and then reads the books (so far 13 are out, three more are being written), he will see the same vocab and patterns over and over again. It's the adventures of a soccer gang of mainly 9 year olds, each book told by another one of the team. The movies (1 and 2 can be purchased, I think 3 has also been released) summarize the books, use the same easy, yet nicely literary language. You can also buy the books on tape! I bought mine in a German bookstore ( and they would have even sent them to me.

Boer, S. Re: [AATG-L] Books for an 11-year-old avid reader. American Association of Teachers of German listserv. (4 Aug. 2006).


I suggest Otfried Preussler "Krabat", this is one classic. Long before Harry Potter, but deals with magic and mystery. Beautifully written. Also the series "Der kleine Nick" is great for avid readers. I had very good experiences with them.

Peltner, A. Re: [AATG-L] Books for an 11-year-old avid reader. American Association of Teachers of German listserv. (4 Aug. 2006).


"Krabat", the story of the boy who goes to the Black Miller and becomes a Zauberlehrling, is an ancient Faust-type legend of the Wends (Sorbs), the Slavic Germans between Bautzen and Cottbus, --probably their best known legend. Lots of info via Google, try for openers.

Wilson, J. Re: [AATG-L] Books for an 11-year-old avid reader. American Association of Teachers of German listserv. (5 Aug. 2006).
Inputdate2006-08-09 13:10:00
Lastmodifieddate2006-08-09 13:10:00
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Publishdate2006-08-14 00:00:00
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