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TitleClassroom 'Quieters'
Here are some suggestions for using the target language to get your students' attention. The first two come from teachers of French and Spanish, respectively, but the last may be applied in classes of any language.


I say, "Et cric?" and my students reply "Et crac!!!" They love to do this. It comes from the film Rue du Cases-nègres. Actually, it is what the griot in Africa says when telling a story to make sure everyone is paying attention.

Rubenstein, B. Re: classroom "quieters" in TL. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (2 Aug 2006).


This isn't by any means fabulous, but we say, "uno, dos, tres...ole!" The kids whisper "ole", and it is a "fun" enough word that it's catchy.

Walker, A. Rubenstein, B. Re: classroom "quieters" in TL. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (2 Aug 2006).


This is an extremely effective way to get the class focused, or re-focused as the case may be! I've used Madeline Hunter's word "signals" to describe them. Here are the rules:

1. I say the "catch phrase".
2. The students respond with a previously taught rejoinder.
3. They stop whatever they are doing and look at me.

Here are the keys to making it work:

1. Introduce it on the very first day.
2. Use it at least 4 times that first day and right away the second day.
3. Any time they don't respond appropriately, stop. Re-teach the signal and the reasons behind the signal in one or two seconds.
4. Make it fairly simple.
5. Post it for them to see and refer to.
6. Add new signals from time to time.
7. Use voice inflection, humor, gestures, songs etc as well!!

The moretprs group (Yahoo!) has several PAGES of signals in several languages if you need more ideas.

Clarcq, L. Re: classroom "quieters" in TL. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (2 Aug 2006).
Inputdate2006-08-02 18:27:00
Lastmodifieddate2006-08-02 18:27:00
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Publishdate2006-08-07 00:00:00
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