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TitleMetaphors about Materials Writing
We include this recent post to the TESL listserv as a follow-up to our mini-series on metaphors for language teaching. Most teachers end up creating some (if not all) of their own materials. We hope you enjoy the following reflection on this process.


There's been an interesting thread on metaphors for teaching. From my teaching days, I can relate to all of them! They made me think of the metaphors I use as a materials writer. When someone, say at a cocktail party, should happen to ask me what I do, I tell them that I write grammar-based textbooks for adult students of English as a second or foreign language. Well, if that doesn't stop the conversation dead in its tracks and, lo, I catch a glimmer of interest, I often go on to compare my job to that of a carpenter. I say that I start with an empty lot and a pile of lumber and hardware -- and then I have to put it all together. I shape every piece of wood myself and pound in every nail, fitting everything together exactly where and how it should be. I know every square inch of that house inside and out. And it's a long, complicated, and deliberate as well as deliberative process. And in the end, I have created a solid and well-designed structure that will stand, I hope, the test of time.

If I still haven't lost my audience, I might go on to explain that not only am I the carpenter, but I'm the architect and the contractor. As the architect, I have to know design and theory. I have know what the final product will look like before I start. I have to know the materials I work with and the specs for making them hold together. As the contractor, I'm like any small businessperson -- I need a knowledge of legal and financial issues in the publishing business and need negotiating skills. I also need to know when and to whom to subcontract when I don't have the necessary skills to accomplish something (for example, art).

Another, albeit shorter, metaphor I sometimes use is to say I create a mosaic, a wonderful, beautiful, intricate, interlocking mosaic -- making thousands of small decisions along the way, but always knowing the final design I'm aiming for. To me, that metaphor expresses the joy of doing creative work -- which writing a textbook is -- and for me, especially a grammar-based text, because grammar is in and of itself a beautiful mosaic.

And the last metaphor I use, depending on the audience, is that writing textbooks for a living is like being a perpetual graduate student with term papers perpetually hanging over your head, endlessly, weekends, evenings, holidays, middle of the night -- no matter. You never lose that feeling in the pit of your stomach of having a term paper due and that you're behind schedule.

Azar. B. Metaphors for materials writing. Teachers of English to speakers of other languages electronic list. TESL-L@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (7 June 2006).
Inputdate2006-07-06 19:44:00
Lastmodifieddate2006-07-06 19:44:00
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Publishdate2006-07-10 00:00:00
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