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TitleMore on Using Target Language Names (Part 3)
Here is the last installment in our mini-series on the use of target language names in the classroom.


I attended an AP Institute given by Mona Mulhair last summer, and one of her recommendations is to have the students choose adjectives as names. She provided us with a page full of faces that expressed each adjective. She said that in AP testing they find that students have difficulty expressing their emotions, so one way is to use them from the very beginning. I gave my French I and II classes adjective names this year. We played games with them so that they learned them and they had a quiz on them and became quite familiar with the names, so that when they wanted to express being overwhelmed, tired, ecstatic, etc., they could. They also learned the masculine and feminine forms very early, because everyone was called either Mademoiselle or Monsieur with the adjective. So, we had Mlle Épuisée, Monsieur Choqué, Monsieur Faché, etc.

As we got further along in the semester they were able to understand them even better and use them.

Walsh, C. Re: Using target language names in the FL classroom??? Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (22 June 2006).


I went to a workshop a few years ago (I'm sorry, I don’t remember the name of the teacher, but he gave an excellent workshop!). He gave his class a list of flora and fauna and let them pick their names. I made up my own list of animas and plants (flowers, trees etc.) and let the students pick a word that began with the same letter of their first name. The kids love these names, a few complained that they wanted their names translated (John = Juan), but it was a lot of fun to call Mike Murciélago (bat) and Caitlin Cocotero (coconut tree). Also, the kids learn the animals and plants because of the constant repetition.

Moore, D. Re: Target Language Names in the FL Classroom. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (22 June 2006).


I think that the people who are concerned about the authenticity of TL names are taking it too seriously. Students know that if they meet a person from a TL country, of course they are going to use their real names. And as Marilyn said, what is more "inauthentic" than English-speaking students using the TL for communication? I actually had some students who incorporated that idea into a dialogue. I gave them the scenario: "You meet your partner in a café in Paris. Ask his/her name, age, and where he/she is from." After "finding out" that they were both from Missouri, one pair went on to ask, "Alors, pourquoi parlons-nous français??" (So, why are we speaking French??) That had the whole class cracking up!

Gardner, L. Re: Using target language names in the FL classroom??? Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (22 June 2006).
Inputdate2006-07-06 19:38:00
Lastmodifieddate2006-07-06 19:38:00
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Publishdate2006-07-10 00:00:00
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