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TitleFrench Practice Site: Adopt an Escargot

Are you wondering what this site is about?
You are not alone.

Mainly, it's for French students and their teachers. To participate fully in the Adopt an Escargot website, teachers will need to purchase an Adopt an Escargot kit for each class. Each student will receive a real Escargot - the very kind that they eat en France! (well, it is a real escargot shell... le pauvre escargot is no longer with us, but let us not dwell on that.) The students will then be registered in La Société des Escargots. Membership in this very exclusive group means that students may send their stories (en français), comments (en français), pictures with captions (en français), etc. (en français) to be included on the website (at the discretion of Le Grand Escargot, bien sûr.) Members may also "Parlez au Grand Escargot," that is, e-mail Le Grand Escargot and carry on a "discussion" en français! Some teachers have their students write for advice as they raise their new Escargots. Le Grand Escargot always answers members of La Société des Escargots.

The Adopt an Escargot kit also includes a personality profile for each Escargot, adoption certificates for each student, and black line masters for an Escargot board game and Escargot Baby Books.

A word here to le professeur:

While the official language of the Adopt an Escargot website is français, Le Grand Escargot (un professeur de français aussi) understands that sometimes it is necessary to use franglais, particularly in the beginning.

We want to welcome les élèves of ALL levels of French, specifically students in High School or Middle School. We also have member classes in the elementary grades. Those who are more advanced will naturally be more able to communicate en français (almost) entirely. Those who are just beginning their (we hope) long journey of the study of français might have to resort to their best franglais de temps en temps. Mais il faut pratiquer, n'est-ce pas?!

For more information, visit
Inputdate2006-06-28 19:29:00
Lastmodifieddate2006-06-28 19:29:00
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2006-07-03 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set