View Content #447

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Title Immersion Symposium
From: "Laura Franklin"

September 19-20, 2003

Intercultural Center
37th and O Street NW
Washington, DC 20057

The GWATFL/NCLRC Immersion Symposium is a two-day event that will focus on foreign language immersion and content-based language instruction. Plans are in the works for a Friday evening keynote address and networking session followed by concurrent sessions on Saturday morning. Saturday afternoon will consist of a special program highlighting the work of students in immersion programs. The Friday program will be graciously hosted by the Embassy of France. Saturday's events will be hosted by the National Capital Language Resource Center at nearby Georgetown University.

On Saturday, September 20, 2003, the Greater Washington Association of
Teachers of Foreign Languages (GWATFL) will host a number of
target-language sessions designed to appeal to faculty involved with AP classes, IB programs, advanced language courses, as well as college and university-level programs.

GWATFL seeks sessions, in the target language, that emphasize content
rather than methodology, giving participants an immersion experience that will broaden their perspective and enhance their teaching at the same time. Some sample ideas include the correspondence between art and literature, multi-sensory approaches to a certain writer, artist or musician, sessions that focus on cinema, content-based topics, and sessions related to heritage learners.

Interactive sessions are encouraged. The reading of papers is
discouraged. Sessions that will reach a wide audience, particularly those that will appeal both to secondary and higher education will be given the highest consideration.

For official proposal form, please send e-mail to:

Please send completed proposals, preferably by e-mail attachment or in the body of an e-mail by July 31, 2003 (deadline extended) to: Dr. Roberta Lavine, GWATFL Conference Chair at Please answer all the questions on the proposal form.
Inputdate2003-07-25 14:53:00
Lastmodifieddate2003-07-25 14:53:00
Expdate2003-07-31 00:00:00
PublishdateNot set
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