View Content #4283

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TitleMore Ideas for Promoting Use of the L2
One system I use is to make a "Speaking French Class grade" on the board. I tell the kids that they will have a 25 point CLASS grade for a two-week period based on how much English I hear. It's a class grade, I explain, because we are all responsible for making sure that French is the language of communication in class. If I hear a student speaking English I erase a point. They can gain points back if I have to speak English (if someone calls on the phone, or walks into my room.) It's worked well in the past and students get upset when someone speaks English. I've never actually recorded this grade, I just tell them that it's going to go in their grades.

I have all of my students ask permission to speak English first and I ask them permission to speak English. This allows for when they really can't express themselves in French, because really, in level one, how much can they really express yet? If a student asks to speak English and I think that they probably can express themselves in French I'll tell them “Non, essaie en francais” (‘try’) and sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. If a student talks to me in English, depending on the level, I'll usually respond with something like “Quoi? quoi? quoi? Je ne comprends pas” or “Tu me parles en anglais? Je suis la prof d'anglais? C'est le cours d'anglais ca? Pose-moi la question en francais.”

If it will take more time than it's worth to say it in French, then I'll just say it in English. I don't want to waste time in class trying to make them comprehend directions or an assignment or a grammar point if I can explain it in English in 1/2 the time. That's a waste when really, they'll just ask someone who understood and hear it in English after you're done talking.

Thompson, B. Keeping in the target language. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (3 Feb. 2006).
Inputdate2006-03-10 16:43:00
Lastmodifieddate2006-03-10 16:43:00
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Publishdate2006-03-13 00:00:00
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