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TitleIdeas for Using German Music Videos
Here are some suggestions for using music videos from Germany to rev up your beginning or advanced students. Look for more of these next week.


For music videos I write "stimmt/stimmt niche" statements up on the board for the students to look for, like "Die Frau im Bikini springt ins Wasser" (that's a "stimmt" from "Wie es geht"), and "Die junge Dame im Bus hat eine Wasserpistole" ("stimmt" from "Bleibt alles anders").

Good videos with action which can be described in such a way and which can be found on are:

Die Aerzte, "Wie es geht"
Fettes Brot, "Emanuela"
Wir sind Helden, "Nur ein Wort"
Herbert Groenemeyer, "Bleibt ales Kanteres"
Farin Urlaub, "Porzellan"
Apocalyptica, "Seemann"

My students also like the video by Eko Fresh, "Ich bin jung und brauche das Geld", but you need to zero in on the minute or so in the song where he raps, and go over that 2 or 3 times so the students can follow the lyrics (an overhead transparency with the lyrics helps). It's a nice snapshot of a frustrated, marginalized ethnic group in Europe using an African-American style to lash out at the dominant culture, yet it's at a linguistic level that 1st- and 2nd-year students can grasp.

My favorite exercise for 2nd & 3rd years is to extract 15 to 20 easy-to-understand lines from the song "Es gibt Reis" by Helge Schneider and have the students write down (in German) what sort of video image they would use for each line if they were making a music video of a song with these lyrics. One such line: "Sag deinen Eltern nichts davon, es ist besser so." Then show them the video and ask them what images or bits of action Helge Schneider actually used. CAUTION: You have to be able to skip past the first five seconds where there is a momentary glimpse of a topless woman when showing this to a class. There's also the line "Ich weiss, du findest mich Scheisse", which is unfortunate given that the song is otherwise obscenity-free. I don't like making my class into a video freak show, but somehow using such a bizarre, weird, hilarious video can shake an apathetic group up a little bit.

If "Es gibt Reis" is not a video you feel comfortable using, the same exercise I use with "Wie wuerdest du aus diesem Song ein Video machen?" could be done with a different song.

Kalnin, P. [AATG-L] Music Videos? American Association of Teachers of German listserv. (17 Jan. 2006).
Inputdate2006-03-10 16:27:00
Lastmodifieddate2006-03-10 16:27:00
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Publishdate2006-03-13 00:00:00
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