View Content #4232

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TitleKeep Them Coming
A recent request on the TESL listserv for ideas for maintaining high attendance in adult ESL classes received several good suggestions. Here are some of them.


The most effective teacher I've observed keeps adult students in her intermediate pronunciation class by building community in the classroom. On the first day of class, when there are about 20 students, she asks everyone to sign up to bring some special dish on one night of class that will feed 20. She tags two students for each night. She herself furnishes out of pocket for drinks and utensils.

During the actual class, she allocates a 20-minute break in the middle of the (3.5-hour) session for the get-together. Students very often bring dishes peculiar to their land and so often, students own restaurants and actually cater feasts. Other students just bring in donuts or cookies bought in a rush.

Now the students talk to each other and develop a sense of shared spirit. They are kinder to each other during class and know one-another's names. She furthers this effort by having each student make a name card and post it in front of himself. She also has everyone at a single large table made from the small ones. During the first two nights of class, she has students introduce themselves and tell us something about their country.

This teacher is kind, current in techniques, and keeps her students constantly on their toes. She involves everyone at each class and has many small-group sessions. She moves the students around among the groups.

Hicks, J. Re: Keeping Adult ESL students. Neteach-L listserv. NETEACH-L@HUNTER.LISTSERV.CUNY.EDU (23 Feb. 2006).
Inputdate2006-03-01 04:31:00
Lastmodifieddate2006-03-01 04:31:00
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Publishdate2006-03-06 00:00:00
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