View Content #4205

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TitleIdeas for Small Advanced Classes
Recently a teacher who was having trouble motivating a small group of high-level students posted a cry for help on the FLTEACH listserv. Here are a few of the suggestions she received from teachers with similar experience.


I found that they really enjoyed reading mysteries/short stories in small groups, listening to French music and watching French video clips (the French Embassy's Cultural Dept. in New Orleans supplies teachers with videos), and also liked group games (such as a French proverb game, navigating through France using road maps, etc.) More adult-like activities, but geared to their level. We got through the grammar, somehow - they hated it - but I mixed in fun activities that allowed us to get through the year.

Lescourret, D. Re: small class/no energy-HELP! Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (7 Feb. 2006)


What about a couple of 1-minute daily oral reports on anything that interests them with required follow-up questions from ALL of the others in the class (i.e. requiring little preparation but real communication because all students do at least 1 presentation per week and must ask at least X # of questions per week - not being able to answer the questions is not an option). Questions about these mini-presentations to appear on a weekly quiz.

Ponterio, B. Re: small class/no energy-HELP! Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (7 Feb. 2006)


When I had level V classes long ago, I did things such as: Oprah Winfrey show (they pick a topic and decide which character/personality they want to play); choose a fairy tale and re-enact it or put the bad guy on trial (students have to prepare witnesses, prosecution/defense, evidence, etc.); Model United Nations (pick a hot topic, have them research their chosen/assigned country's point of view and then debate it), etc. I figured that if I was having fun, it would be fun for them as well. I remember that I also had them write and then produce a play. Each student had to write one chapter and it had to flow from the previous chapters, have a plot, character development, etc. It turned out great and we actually recorded it as a radio show.

Leger, H. Re: small class/no energy-HELP! Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (6 Feb. 2006)
Inputdate2006-02-22 19:34:00
Lastmodifieddate2006-02-22 19:34:00
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Publishdate2006-02-27 00:00:00
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