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TitleReview: The Teacher's Grammar Book, Second Edition

AUTHOR: Williams, James D.
TITLE: The Teacher's Grammar Book, 2nd edition
PUBLISHER: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
YEAR: 2005

Tim Hadley, Department of English, Texas Tech University

According to its own Preface, The Teacher's Grammar Book ''is designed for students who are preparing to become English or language arts teachers, as well as for credentialed teachers who want to know more about grammar'' (ix). In this regard it would also be of benefit to anyone else who wants a general overview (or review) of traditional English grammar and a few other contemporary approaches to grammar.

Williams divides his content into three logical sections. The first section, containing chapters 1 and 2, provides what Williams calls ''a short history of grammar'' (a more precise title might be ''a short history of the background and study of English grammar'') and an introduction to teaching grammar. Section two, chapters 3-6, contains a survey and discussion of four prominent types of grammar that teachers are likely to face and/or use in the classroom: traditional grammar (chapter 3), phrase structure grammar (chapter 4), transformational-generative/Chomskyan grammar (chapter 5), and cognitive grammar (chapter 6). The final section, chapter 7, discusses dialects, especially Black English and Chicano English, their impact on students' writing, and how teachers can be better prepared to deal with these issues in their classrooms.

Read the complete review at .
Inputdate2006-02-22 13:41:00
Lastmodifieddate2006-02-22 13:41:00
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Publishdate2006-02-27 00:00:00
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