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TitlePracticing Prepositions of Location
Looking for new ideas for practicing prepositions of location? Here are some recent posts to the FLTEACH listserv.


One of the most powerful ways I've found is to have them draw a picture of a house with a garage beside it, trees behind it, a cat on the roof, someone in the front, etc. Use vocabulary they already know. Have the students draw the picture _with you_ as you draw it on the overhead (preferable to the black/whiteboard - because you don't have to turn your back on them!). Talk about it constantly, keep asking where things are, act confused or whatever, ham it up, draw badly if you don't already (that always amuses my students). Use colors, whatever.

Then, wait a day or two and do a little oral "pop" quiz. Ask the students to tell you in the TL where things were in the picture. At first they may exclaim "But how are we supposed to remember that?!!?"

They will.

Freeman, M.A. Re: Prepositions of location. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (2 Dec. 2005).


I use my old buddy "Coin-Coin", a rubber ducky! He gets moved around the room by me or by the students and they ask each other "Où est CC?" Later in the week I set him up with all sorts of classroom items around him and have a contest to see who can come up with the most correct sentences within a time limit (10 minutes seems about right usually). The teams check each other's work to get a winner. CC is so popular that he has gone home with many of my students for a visit. He has been given jewelry to wear and has even had his picture in the yearbook. Another French teacher I know tried it, and now uses a duck for prepositions, too. And don't dispair, my Spanish-teaching friends, a Spanish teacher friend of mine tried out "Paquito" last year and he was a hit!

Another fun way was when I borrowed the science teacher's gerbil, Fez. We set him loose in his gerbil ball and every now and then (90 minute class) I would stop and ask "Où est Fez?" and they would tell me as many different sentences as they could.

Arbushites, W. Re: Prepositions of location. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (5 Dec. 2005).
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