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TitleCall for Papers: EUROCALL 2006

EUROCALL is a professional organisation for the promulgation of innovative research, development and practice in the area of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL) in education and training. EUROCALL conferences bring together educators, researchers, administrators, materials developers, government representatives, vendors of hardware and software, and others interested in the field of CALL and TELL.

EUROCALL 2006 will be held in Granada, Spain
4-7 September 2006

Conference main theme and title: Integrating CALL into Study Programmes

EUROCALL 2006 particularly welcomes papers focusing on integrating new technologies into language learning. Presentations focusing on any other aspect of CALL research, development and practice are also welcomed, especially innovative uses both of established and of leading-edge technologies.

We invite submissions for (i) Academic Papers, (ii) Show & Tell Presentations, (iii) Poster Presentations and iv) Postgraduate Poster Presentations. Please specify under which category you wish your submission to be evaluated.

The deadline for submission is 31 January 2006.

For more information on the conference or on submitting a paper, visit .
Inputdate2005-12-16 18:19:00
Lastmodifieddate2005-12-16 18:19:00
Expdate2006-02-01 00:00:00
Publishdate2005-12-19 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set