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TitleCall for Papers: Natural Language Processing and CALL

Integrating Natural Language Processing and Computer-Assisted Language Learning: current status and future prospects

Thursday, April 13, 2006 Louvain, Belgium

NLP (Natural Language Processing) and CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning) are two highly productive fields. Although both fields are concerned with the study of language, the links between them are still relatively tenuous. Systems such as ELEONORE, ALEXIA, FREETEXT or platforms such as EXILLS and MIRTO integrate NLP methods and tools, but they tend to be the exception rather than the rule and concern non-commercialised products.

In view of this, initiatives need to be taken that will prompt meetings and encourage collaboration between these two worlds along the lines of past events organized within the framework of ATALA ( or the EUROCALL « Language Processing » group (

The workshop that we propose to organise within the framework of TALN 2006 will enable researchers from NLP and CALL to present their research on the use of NLP in language learning, to encourage exchanges and collaborations, establish a common area of study, draw a map of the projects in the fields and open up new research avenues.

All aspects (theoretical, conceptual, applied) of the use of NLP in CALL will be broached upon. The list of topics below includes a few examples of the aspects that may be tackled:

* Applications of (written or spoken) language processing in CALL
* Methodological issues relating to the design of NLP-based CALL systems
* Demonstration of NLP-based CALL tools
* Design and use of corpora for language learning
* Use of learner corpora; error annotation of learner corpora
* Diagnosis, feedback and remedial work
* Design and creation of tasks
* Linguistic resources for language learning
* Linguistic theory/formal linguistics and CALL

Deadline: January 20, 2006

For more information, visit
Inputdate2005-11-29 14:24:00
Lastmodifieddate2005-11-29 14:24:00
Expdate2006-01-21 00:00:00
Publishdate2005-12-05 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set