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TitleMore Scrapbooking Ideas
Here are some more suggestions from the FLTEACH listserv for having students create scrapbooks. These were intended for younger learners, but they could be adapted for use with a wide range of languages, levels, and ages.


My level one classes did two first-day-of-school pages. On the first pages I gave them sentence starters like:

- My teacher's name is....
- I felt...
- For lunch I ate...
- At recess I...
- My favorite class is....

On the second page I had them write a simple formula poem about the first day of school

- noun
- 2 verbs
- 3 adjectives
- noun

This week they'll be doing pages about their family members.

Brady, T. Re: Anyone a scrapbooker? Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (18 Oct. 2005).


I have them do a nine-week project about a country and they can integrate scrapbooking in it by making a "travel brochure" about their country. If they have been there, they are able to use personal pictures; if not, they can use the Internet or stickers from a scrapbook store to make their project look better.

I also am going to do a "collage" during the next nine weeks using words from the dictionary. Students create their own dictionaries. They can draw pictures or use magazine cutouts or stickers. This is also another way to integrate scrapbooking into the classroom.

I hope my answer helps. We are trying to focus on multiple intelligences this year and it has really brought out some great things in the children.

Kasserman, T.S. Re: Anyone a scrapbooker? Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (3 Nov. 2005).
Inputdate2005-11-22 13:14:00
Lastmodifieddate2005-11-22 13:14:00
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2005-11-28 00:00:00
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