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TitleObserving German-American Week
Here are some ideas for observing German-American Week, from October 2-8 this year, which were recently posted on the AATG listserv.


I will have a German breakfast to celebrate German-American friendship day, October 6, and German Unification day, October 3. We will have rolls and Nutella, plus other pastries, milk, juices, and coffee.

Rovell, U. Re: [AATG-L] German-American Week. American Association of Teachers of German listserv. (28 Sept. 2005).


Last year we used this as an opportunity to make students aware of the German program at the middle school. We had a display in the front hall and ran a trivia quiz. Each day a question was asked during morning announcements. Answers were to be deposited in a special box in the lunchroom. We drew two names each day during an afternoon class and the winner was announced in the afternoon. Each winner received a Lebkuchen Herz that I had made. The cookies said "Deutsch ist toll." One could use other prizes. It was a small thing, but seemed to be a part of the recruitment for this year's increased enrollment.

Sieger, A. Re: [AATG-L] German-American Week. American Association of Teachers of German listserv. (28 Sept. 2005).


I'm going to do a "German Connection Scavenger Hunt" with my students. I just e-mailed all the faculty asking if they had a "German connection" such as:

A) Do you drive a German-make car (VW, BMW, Mercedes, Audi)?
B) Do you have a German dog (dachshund, poodle - yes, they were originally German, not French, Rottweiler, German shepherd, etc.)?
C) Did you study German in high school or college?
D) Do you have German, Austrian, or Swiss neighbors?
E) Did you ever travel in Germany, Austria, or Switzerland?
F) Were your parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents German, Austrian, or Swiss?
G) Were you ever an exchange student or did you do a semester abroad in Germany, Austria, or Switzerland?
H) Is your spouse of German, Austrian or Swiss descent?
I) Does your spouse speak German?
J) Does your spouse work for a German, Austrian, or Swiss company here in the area?
K) Is your last name German (or an anglicized form of a German name)?

... or perhaps any other German connection I haven't mentioned here. I just sent the e-mail out last night and already I have over 30 responses. I'm going to make up a scavenger hunt sheet with questions such as:

1. What science teacher has a daughter studying German at Penn State University ?
2. What math teacher was a Navy SEAL and attended conferences in Frankfurt and Stuttgart ?
3. What history teacher graduated from Newberry College, a Lutheran college ?

Students have to go around and find the right teacher. The first three people to turn in all the answers will win something.

Haring, C. Re: [AATG-L] German-American Week. American Association of Teachers of German listserv. (28 Sept. 2005).
Inputdate2005-09-28 21:27:00
Lastmodifieddate2005-09-28 21:27:00
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Publishdate2005-10-03 00:00:00
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