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TitleScholarship to Bamberg for Katrina Victims
A scholarship from the Univ. of Bamberg, with which my university has an exchange, is being offered to a student or staff member who knows German and is at a college hit by the hurricane. All expenses will be paid for a year, a very generous offer. Please reflect on areas hit by Katrina and see if you know of any German instructors who would be able to have a student apply for this award.

Classes start at the Univ. of Bamberg on Oct. 17 so there is still time to make preps and get there. A three-week Vorbereitungskurs is also offered by the Univ. of Bamberg for international students beginning Sept. 19. This would be a great help in preparing students for a year of courses there.

Please contact Dr. Weihe's office directly if you know of someone who is eligible for the grant. See the message below for those details.

Thanks for your help with this.


With deep sympathy we took notice of the destruction caused by hurricane Katrina in the South of the United States. To express our appreciation for our American partner institutions, the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg, Germany spontaneously decided to offer a stipend for an American student or member of staff personally affected by the hurricane. The stipend covers a whole academic year, beginning in the middle of October 2005. Many American colleges and universities in the destruction area are closed, and for some it is doubtful when they will be able to reopen again. Should you happen to know of a person in need, please draw his or her attention to this stipend. The University of Bamberg will cover tuition and fees as well as the return air fare to Germany, and will provide free room and board plus a daily allowance for the period of October 2005 through July 2006.

Students and staff members from all areas of studies offered at the University of Bamberg (Humanities, Social Sciences, Business Studies and Informatics) are eligible. They should have a basic knowledge of German, however.

Yours sincerely,
Dr. Andreas Weihe
Director of International Relations
Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg
Bavaria, Germany

For further information please contact:
Ms. Kathrin Genk or Ms. Marion Echle:

Pokorny, M. [AATG-L] scholarship to Bamberg for Katrina victims. American Association of Teachers of German listserv. (9 Sept. 2005).
Inputdate2005-09-08 19:52:00
Lastmodifieddate2005-09-08 19:52:00
Expdate2005-10-17 00:00:00
Publishdate2005-09-12 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set