View Content #3456

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TitleMaterials Needed for Relocated Immersion Students
We send our condolences to our colleagues in Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana who are dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The concerns we all face at the beginning of the school year have given way to simple survival for many of you now. Many of you will not have a school to return to once the water subsides. Our hearts are wrenched by reports of the devastation across the southern United States, and the desire to help if possible. For now, we can only sympathize, and hope that you and your students are safe.


One school we know a little about is one that has an award-winning French Immersion program, the Edward Hynes Elementary School in New Orleans. The program offers K-6 partial French Immersion. A parent from Hynes writes:

“At this time, I am unsure as to what exactly can be done for the Hynes community. We are spread out over about five or six different states, from Florida to Texas. Unfortunately, several of the schools where we are temporarily enrolling our children have absolutely no elementary foreign language resources. Many families still in Louisiana are trying to move to schools in areas with French Immersion programs.

We operate a e-group at Yahoo, and I will send out a message on it tomorrow to see where and what our teachers and parents recommend. We certainly don't want our children to lose their language skills and practice because of the storm.

We might use books and tapes in French, software, games, etc. ANYTHING that can keep our children's skills sharp will be useful. I will try to compile a list of addresses to send the stuff to, but right now, it looks like we will all be displaced for six months to a year.”

Angel Dean Collins, temporarily relocated to Tuscumbia, AL


Please let us know (email how your school fared if you are in an area affected by the hurricane. If you’d like to convey a message to the foreign language teaching community, we’d be glad to hear from you. If you’re looking for a school in which to place your child, you might contact your state association to find out where foreign language programs are in schools you are near. A list is available here:

NCLRC. Special Message from NCLRC. (2 Sept. 2005).
SourceNational Capital Language Resource Center
Inputdate2005-09-02 16:32:00
Lastmodifieddate2005-09-02 16:32:00
Expdate2006-09-01 00:00:00
Publishdate2005-09-05 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set