View Content #3452

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TitleActivity for Teaching Questions
Here's an activity I did today to practice asking questions and using interrogative expressions:

I told the class that I had a letter from a boy (although it could also be a girl) called Claude Dumas. Unfortunately Claude is not particularly bright and doesn't write very well. His sentences are very choppy and sometimes he just seems to lose control and his words end up as scribbles. Here's what I wrote by hand on the overhead (the scribbled parts are indicated with xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx):

Je m'appelle Claude Dumas. J'habite à xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. En xxxxxxxxxx je joue au tennis. Je joue assez xxxxxxxxxx. Je joue avec xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Je joue au tennis parce que xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Après l'école je regarde xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx à la télé. Je regarde ce programme à xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx heures. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx prépare le dîner. Plus tard je téléphone à xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

They were to write back to Claude, asking him about the information that they couldn't read. The answers I was looking for were:
Où habites-tu?
Quand joues-tu au tennis?
Comment joues-tu?
Avec qui joues-tu?
Pourquoi joues-tu au tennis?
Qu'est-ce que tu regardes à la télé?
A quelle heure regardes-tu le programme?
Qui prépare le dîner?
A qui téléphones-tu?

The students enjoyed it and a couple of boys picked up on the "Dumas" - remember that commercial where the interviewee mispronounced the boss' name?

Freeman, M.A. Activity for questions (French). Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (26 Aug. 2006).
Inputdate2005-09-01 15:54:00
Lastmodifieddate2005-09-01 15:54:00
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2005-09-05 00:00:00
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