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TitleUpdate: German Immersion Workshop, MT, Aug. 2005
There are still a few openings available for the 21st Annual German Immersion Workshop, Aug. 7-13, which is sponsored by the University of Montana and the Goethe Institut-San Francisco. Located at Flathead Lake, a pristine glacial lake nestled in spectacular mountain scenery near Glacier Park, the workshop offers a week of intensive German language practice for teachers of German and prospective teachers of German. The theme of this year's workshop is "Die deutschsprachigen Laender: ein Mosaik aus Kunst, Kultur und Geographie." In a series of presentations, participants will work on a variety of teaching units which will aid them in successfully and effectively presenting to their classes the fascinating mosaic of German culture, art and geography. Ample time will be provided for recreational activities. A limited number of partial scholarhships are available through the generosity of the German government. Up to 3 graduate or undergraduate credits are included as part of the registration. For complete information, including costs, scholarhips and an application form, please visit the following web address:

Acker, B. [AATG-L] German Immersion Workshop in Montana, Aug. 7-13, 2005. American Association of Teachers of German listserv. (4 July 2005).
Inputdate2005-07-08 17:59:00
Lastmodifieddate2005-07-08 17:59:00
Expdate2005-08-14 00:00:00
Publishdate2005-07-11 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set