View Content #28933

Content Type4
TitleReflection Star Cycle!

This week, our last in the Gear Up for Summer Learning series, we depart from our normal activity format to provide learners the opportunity to reflect on learning they did throughout the summer. This reflection activity can be repreated (or used for the first time) anytime learners want to reflect upon their learning experiences and progress.

Learning outcomes:
Learners will be able to:

  • Define what they learned
  • Identify what went well during learning
  • Name where they would like to improve, or what they could change, during future learning
  • Define what they would still like to learn
  • Set one or more future learning goals

Mode(s): Presentational
Materials: Reflect on Summer Learning video, Reflection Star Cycle worksheet, examples of previous work or activities to be evaluated

  1. First, think back on the learning you have done. You can think about your work on one activity, your work towards one or more goals, your work over a certain period of time, etc. You can use any parameters that are meaningful to you to decide what you will be reflecting on.
  2. Then, identify what you have learned or what you can now do based on the work you are reflecting upon. Is there new knowledge or skills that you have gained? Have you practiced or improved what you knew or could do before? Write your answers under Question #1 at the top of the star one the Reflection Star Cycle worksheet.
  3. Next, think about what worked well for you during the specific work or time period you have defined. What do you feel went well? Which knowledge and skills related to this work are you confident about? Write your answer under Question #2 on the worksheet.
  4. Then, think about where you would still like to improve, as relates to this work. Is there knowledge or understanding you want to deepen? Would you change anything about your learning process, available resources, or outcomes if you had to do it again? Write your answer under Question #3 on the worksheet.
  5. Next, think about what you would still like to learn or be able to do that relates . This should be knowledge or skills that you have not yet developed or mastered to your satisfaction. Write your answer under Question #4 on the worksheet.
  6. Finally, based on your responsest to the previous questions, what next step(s)  can you take? The scope of this goal (or goals) can be as narrow or as broad as makes sense to you. Feeling overwhelmed at setting new goals? Try starting with a small, simple, one-step goal that relates to, and builds upon, the learning or task you are reflecting on. Write your answer under Question #5 on the worksheet.
  7. Once you have completed your Reflection Star Cycle, you are now a star!
  8. Repeat the Reflection Star Cycle as often as you would like. Repeating this cycle will help you understand your own learning process, and sett new learning goals that are tailored specifically to what you want to learn, and what is meaningful to you, in the language you are studying.
Inputdate2022-07-23 03:44:37
Lastmodifieddate2022-07-25 10:55:44
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2022-07-25 09:15:04
Displaydate2022-07-25 00:00:00