View Content #28925

Content Type4
TitleFunnel Your Goals! & Digital Discourse(s) Playlist

This week, we depart from our normal activity format to provide learners with the opportunity to brainstorm how they want to engage with digital spaces in the target language. In this activity, learners will brainstorm broadly about what they would like to do, then narrow or “funnel” this idea down to set one goal or action.

Learning outcomes:
Learners will be able to:

  • Identify multiple target language digital spaces they are interested in
  • Choose one target language digital space to engage with
  • Set one language related goal or action relevant to their chosen digital space
  • Reflect on the outcome of their goal or action

Mode(s): Interpretive, Interpersonal, Presentational

Materials: CASLS Digital Discourse(s) Activities Playlist, device with internet access, Funnel Your Goals worksheet

  1. First, think broadly about what you would like to use the target language to explore or do online. For example, this could be creating or commenting on social media posts, searching for and reading a particular author or topic, playing a digital game, etc. If you need suggestions, browse the CASLS Digital Discourse(s) Activities Playlist for ideas. Write your ideas in the top of the funnel on your Funnel Your Goals worksheet.
  2. Then, think about where you could explore or accomplish your ideas from step 1. Is there a particular site, platform or game that is relevant to what you would like to do? Can you explore your interest through multiple sites or platforms?  Write a list of these locations in the second space on the worksheet.
  3. Next, look over your list from step 2 and choose one location or platform from the list. Write your choice in the third space on the worksheet.
  4. Now revisit your list from step 1 and think of one particular goal or action from this list that you can do in your chosen location. This goal or action can be as specific as you would like. For example, this could be to chat in the target language with at least one other player while playing a multiplayer online game; to watch a video by a vlogger who speaks the target language to learn about a shared interest or about their country, city or culture; to write and publish a social media post; or to comment on someone else’s social media post, blog, vlog, fanfic, etc. Write your goal or action in the fourth space on the worksheet.
  5. Do your goal or action!
  6. Finally, reflect on the outcome of your goal or action, and take some notes at the bottom of the worksheet. As you reflect, think about the following questions:
    • What did you learn from engaging in this digital space? Did you learn anything about the target language, including any domain specific uses of the language for your chosen digital space? Did you learn anything about the space or platform itself?
    • What else would you need to know to continue participating in your chosen digital space in the future?
    • Going forward, would you like to participate in the same way in this digital space, or in different ways? Why?
Inputdate2022-07-15 04:06:54
Lastmodifieddate2022-07-18 10:52:26
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2022-07-18 09:15:03
Displaydate2022-07-18 00:00:00