View Content #28921

Content Type4
TitleListening Playlist & Goal Ladder

This week, we depart from our normal activity format to provide learners with the opportunity to set goals related to listening. In this activity, learners will identify a listening goal of their choosing and brainstorm steps that will help them reach that goal.

Learning outcomes:
Learners will be able to:

  • Identify one goal related to listening skills
  • Break the goal down into 2 or more smaller, intermediary steps

Mode(s): Interpretive, Interpersonal

Materials: CASLS Listening Activities Playlist, device with internet access, Goal Ladder worksheet

  1. First, think of one goal you have for listening in the target language. For example, your goal could be to find and listen to a new podcast in the target language that relates to an interest or hobby. Or it could be to listen to short videos online or on social media without having to slow them down. Consider the following questions as you think of your goal:
    • What do you want to listen to?
    • Where can you find the type of audio (or audiovisual) material you want to listen to? If you want to practice listening in an interpersonal interaction, where could this interaction happen?
    • Which specific information will help you understand as you listen? Do you need to know specific vocabulary, grammar, or background information about the topic? Do you need to know how words or sounds are linked in speech in your target language? Do you need to know any colloquial expressions?
  2.  Write your goal down at the top of the ladder on the Goal Ladder worksheet.
  3. Then, think of the smaller steps that will help you work towards your goal, and the order you want to do the steps in. How can each step can help move you towards your goal? You may find it helpful revisit some of the questions you thought about in Step 1:
    • Where will you find the audio material, or where will you listen to others during a conversation?
    • What information do you already know?
    • What information do you need to learn or figure out as you listen?
  4. As you are thinking about your steps, look through the CASLS Listening Activities Playlist. Can any of these videos help you work towards your goal? If so, include watching the video in your steps. 
  5. Write your steps down on the Goal Ladder worksheet. The worksheet includes spaces for 5 steps, but you can write more or less as needed.
  6. As you complete the steps, mark them off on your Goal Ladder worksheet. You can take notes for each step, adding information about what was helpful, or any resources you found and used, etc.
  7. When you reach your goal, celebrate!
  8. You can also use your Goal Ladder to reflect on your learning process after you have completed your goal. Read through your steps and reflect on what was useful, what you learned, and what you still want to learn. Use these reflections to help you set new goals!


Inputdate2022-06-30 22:15:18
Lastmodifieddate2022-07-04 10:59:37
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2022-07-04 09:15:02
Displaydate2022-07-04 00:00:00