View Content #28899

Content Type4
TitleVocabulary Playlist & Compass Points Thinking Routine

Set your vocabulary learning goals with a Compass Points thinking routine (modeled on this thinking routine from Project Zero), and then dive into learning with CASLS’s Vocabulary Activities Playlist.

Mode(s): Interpretive, Presentational

Materials: CASLS Vocabulary Activities Playlist, device with internet access, target language dictionary (if needed for chosen playlist activity)

First, think about how you learn new vocabulary or practice words you already know using the four Compass Points (east, west, north, south). Consider the questions for each of the four points below.

  1. E = East = Excited
    • What excites you about learning vocabulary?
  2. W = West = Worrisome
    • What do you find worrisome or challenging about learning vocabulary?
  3. N = North = Need to Know
    • What do you need to know to learn vocabulary? What information helps you learn, contextualize, remember and use target language words?
  4. S = South = Suggestion for Moving Forward
    • Based on the first three points, what suggestions can you give yourself for learning new vocabulary or reinforcing existing vocab knowledge?

Then, using your suggestions from #4, choose an activity to complete from the CASLS Vocabulary Activities playlist.

Finally, after you have completed the activity, reflect on your experience by revisiting your Compass Points (East, West, North and South).

  1. E = Did the activity help you feel excited about learning your chosen vocabulary? Why or why not?
  2. W = Did the activity help you address any worries or challenges? Why or why not?
  3. N = Were you able to find and apply what you need to know to learn and use vocabulary?
  4. S = Where do you want to go from here with your vocabulary learning? What suggestions do you have for yourself? What types of activities do you want to do now, or which vocabluarly learning goals do you want to set for yourself?
Inputdate2022-06-10 20:18:30
Lastmodifieddate2022-06-13 10:53:45
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2022-06-13 09:15:02
Displaydate2022-06-13 00:00:00