View Content #28853

Content Type4
TitleObserve and Record!

This activity was designed for learners of all levels. It was created to help learners observe interactions in target language digital discourse spaces and record what they notice.

Learning outcomes:
Learners will be able to:

  • Evaluate 3 contextual factors of an interaction (power, distance, imposition)
  • Evaluate any non-verbal cues in an interaction
  • Identify 2-3 words or phrases from the interaction that convey information about the 3 contextual factors

Mode(s): Interpersonal, Interpretive

Materials: Observe! Increase Pragmatic Competence Video, Observe and Record! Handout, digital interaction of learners’ choosing


  1. Ask learners to brainstorm one or two digital discourse spaces in the target language that interest them. This could be a social media site, discussion board or forum where people post and respond to posts, a video sharing site, an online multi-player game, etc. Write their ideas on the board or a digital document for all to see.
  2. Next, ask learners to describe the interactions that happen in these spaces. Are the interactions spoken or written? Who interacts in the space? What commonalities or connections do people have to each other in the space?
  3. Then show learners the Observe! Increase Pragmatic Competence Video. Ask learners to recall the 3 contextual factors named in the video (power, distance, imposition). Ask learners to define each factor and give examples for each. Then ask learners to define what non-verbal cues are, and give examples of these cues. Write these ideas on the board or digital document for reference.
  4. Next, give learners the Observe and Record! Handout. Walk learners through the information needed to complete each section.
  5. Learners can then take class time to search for the interaction they want to observe, or can do this on their own time.  
  6. On their own time, learners will observe their chosen interaction and fill in the handout.
  7. During the next group meeting, learners work in small groups to report on what they noticed in their interactions. They should report on the contextual factors they noticed, and the language or non-verbal cues that support those factors.
  8. As a whole group, ask learners to report what they discussed. Ask learners to volunteer information for each of the 3 contextual factors, as well as the language or non-verbal cues they think are related to each factor.
  9. Ask learners if they see any patterns in the types of language or non-verbal cues they noticed. Are there similarities in the language or cues used in different interactions?
  10. Learners can repeat observing interactions in different settings and involving different people to gather more information about how power, distance and imposition is expressed in interactions.

-Modifications (scaffolding):
Lower level learners may be assigned an interaction to observe, to ensure they understand the language used in it. They can also work in small groups to fill out the handout.


Inputdate2022-05-07 06:03:11
Lastmodifieddate2022-05-09 18:42:56
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2022-05-09 09:15:03
Displaydate2022-05-09 00:00:00