View Content #28715

Content Type4
TitleMake Mental Images of New Words

This activity was created for learners of all proficiency levels. It is a vocabulary learning activity designed with the purpose of helping learners build robust schemata for target language terms. 


Learning Outcomes:

Learners will be able to:

  • Create robust mental connections to target vocabulary words

  • Demonstrate knowledge of target vocabulary words


Mode(s): Interpretive


Materials: Mental Images video



  1. Ask learners to do a quick word association test. Provide 3-5 level-appropriate words in the target language and ask them to write the first word or draw the first image that comes to mind when they hear that word.

  2. Explain that the learners’ ability to make the connections in Step 1 is an example of the schemata they have created in the target language. 

  3. Show the Mental Images video to the group as a transition to building mental images with target vocabulary as a language learning strategy.

  4. Ask each learner to pick one word they are struggling to remember. 

  5. Next, have the learners either draw or make a digital collage of the many images that come to mind when they think of the word. Allow 10-15 minutes for the completion of a visual representation that is roughly 8.5’ x 11’.

  6. In small groups of 3-4, have learners share their visual representations in a minute or less per learner. They should explain why the images came to mind. 

  7. As a whole group, spend five minutes discussing the most unique images that came to mind as learners were contemplating the target vocabulary word.

  8. Provide five minutes for learners to look at each of the images they selected as they write, sign, or say the word out loud. 

  9. Ask learners to rate the utility of the activity with a fist to five strategy.

  10. Discuss with learners the ways that they rated. For those who found the activity less effective, encourage them to try it again and provide input related to their specific concerns. For those who liked the activity, ask them to share what they found to be meaningful.

Inputdate2021-12-15 07:55:25
Lastmodifieddate2021-12-20 12:03:29
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2021-12-20 10:15:02
Displaydate2021-12-16 00:00:00