View Content #28586

Content Type4
TitleUse Catalyst to Identify Strengths for Growth

This activity is designed for world language educators who wish to participate in professional learning communities. It utilizes Catalyst, a free, online, social portfolio for language teachers.

Learning outcome(s):
Teachers will be able to:

  • Complete a self assessment using the Catalyst tool
  • Identify one goal based on the continual cultivation of strengths
  • Give and get feedback on goals

Mode(s): Not applicable

Materials: Identifying Strengths for Growth video, Catalyst account.


  1. If you have not already created a Catalyst account, go to to sign up. Set up your account.
  2. Watch the Identifying Strengths for Growth video. Then, if you are a new user, browse the video tutorials (under “About” on the left side of the dashboard). Alternatively, you may use this link:
  3. Once you are ready, complete the TELL Self-Assessment on Catalyst (it can be found by clicking “Quick Assess” under “My Progress” on the right side of the dashboard. Alternatively, you may use this link: It is recommended that you choose to complete this self-assessment only for the domains you find most interesting and/or relevant to your practice. No matter your approach, as you are assessing, think about which of the indicators is a strength of yours that you want to continue refining.
  4. Identify at least one strength as a goal within the TELL Framework by clicking the star icon as you self-assess. This selection will trigger a pop-up window that allows you to articulate your goal associated with the strength and your plan for achieving that goal.
  5. Next, find a peer to collaborate with. You may either work with someone you already know or search for people with the same goals and strengths by finding “My Community” in the center of the dashboard and clicking “Add Members”.
  6. Once you have connected with your peer, set up a 15-minute meeting to discuss the strength you want to refine and the goal you articulated in Step 3. Use a SMART goal framework to guide the meeting. The associated questions are below.
    1. Specific: What is the specific TELL Indicator you want to refine?
    2. Measurable: How will you measure success with that goal?
    3. Achievable: Are you sure your goal is achievable?
    4. Relevant: Why is the goal relevant to your practice?
    5. Time-bound: What is your timeline for achieving the goal?
  7. During the time period you defined in Step 6, Question 5, upload evidence of your practice toward your goal on Catalyst. Agree with your partner to provide feedback a set number of times during that timeframe.
  8. Meet again and reflect on how well you have grown your strengths!


  • Throughout this activity, and particularly in Step 3, it is okay if you realize that you are not implementing all of the TELL Criteria in practice. Remember, TELL describes the multitude of skills and characteristics embodied by model world language teachers. Every teacher brings a different skill set to the table.
  • Catalyst is a collaborative project developed by CASLS and Professionals in Education Advancing Research and Language Learning (PEARLL). Additional funds provided by the National Foreign Language Center have contributed to the improvement of Catalyst for STARTALK programs.
Inputdate2021-08-13 14:01:09
Lastmodifieddate2021-08-16 19:30:41
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2021-08-16 09:15:04
Displaydate2021-08-16 00:00:00