View Content #28288

Content Type4
TitleFlashfiction Workshop

This week’s Activity of the Week is inspired by the Flashfiction Workshop provided as part of the Learning through Doing Module on FanTALES. This activity is a great way to get learners to start writing after they have already become familiar with fanfiction. If your learners are not yet familiar with fanfiction, check out this video.

Learning Outcomes
Learners will be able to:

  • Write original prompt-based fanfiction based on a popular text

Mode(s): Presentational

Resources: A common selection of media (book, movie, television show) that the learners are all familiar with, 4 sets of color-coded cards, something for students to write on

1. Read through the procedure on pages 8-10 of the FANTales Learning through Doing Module.

2. Work with a colleague or reflect individually about how you will adapt the module to your specific teaching context. Consider how to select texts to use as inspiration, what platforms you could utilize to do the activity in an online context, and any scaffolding (e.g., outlining or modeling) you will need to provide for learners.

3. Complete the Flashfiction Workshop with your learners. 

4. Reflect on what went well and any adaptations you would like to make for the next time you give the workshop. Document your reflections and store them someplace safe!


The FanTALES Group. (2018). Learning through doing module on fanfiction. FanTALES Project Publication, Leuven. Available from


Inputdate2020-10-29 11:47:19
Lastmodifieddate2020-11-02 04:35:24
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2020-11-02 02:15:01
Displaydate2020-11-02 00:00:00