View Content #28279

Content Type3
TitleInterCom: October 26, 2020

This week, we continue exploring the digital world by examining hashtags. In this video, we define hashtags and provide three tips for how to decode them in the target language.

There are a few ways to get connected with us this week:

  • Join our InterCom Live! session. We connect on Facebook every Monday at 11:00 am Pacific. To join us, open CASLS's Facebook page at the designated time. Can't make it? The InterCom Live! events are always recorded, and you can find them on our Facebook page.
  • Check out the Activity of the Week. This week, we provide an activity in which learners analyze hashtags and compare and contrast hashtags in the L1 with those in the target language.
  • Hashtags are great to use with all levels of langauge learners. They are complex and nuanced, but they also can be quite simple. This article, a guide on hashtags in 2020 by Benjamin Chacon, is a nice supplement to this week's video and could be used with learners to support their continued understanding and exploration of hashtags. 
Inputdate2020-10-22 07:57:16
Lastmodifieddate2020-10-26 04:35:04
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2020-10-26 02:15:01
Displaydate2020-10-26 00:00:00