View Content #28173

Content Type3
TitleInterCom: July 13, 2020

This month in InterCom we will focus on teacher support and self-care. This week we encourage you to find your own energizing pedagogies to replenish depleted supplies and build rejeuvenation into your routine in the classroom, online, and at home.

You can find this week's self-care activity here

InterCom Live!

We look forward to continuing to connect via InterCom Live! on Facebook every Monday at 11:00 Pacific. To join us, open CASLS Facebook page at the designated time. We look forward to seeing you there.  If you miss 11:00, InterCom Live events are always recorded so you can find them there as well. 

Coming Soon!

This month we will also be focusing our own growth and development, bringing you a new and improved InterCom in August! Thank you so much to all of you for your continued support as we adjusted, revised, and tried a few new things as a result of Covid-19 and teacher needs based on school closures. We will continue with some of those changes and return to some of the long-standing InterCom traditions.  Starting in August, you can expect the following: 

  • A continued focus on providing student-ready, world language activities for remote, hybrid, and face-to-face classrooms;
  • A return to the inclusion of customized, third-party resources that are delivered by level, language, and topic; 
  • InterCom Live! where we will meet on Facebook each Monday and talk about the focus activities and challenges people are facing.
Inputdate2020-07-12 22:12:40
Lastmodifieddate2020-07-13 04:25:30
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2020-07-13 02:15:01
Displaydate2020-07-13 00:00:00