View Content #28058

Content Type5
TitleMavericks Congress: Escape to Dinner Worldseries

Last year, CASLS launched a collaborative initiative, the Mavericks Congress, to foster innovation in language and social technology. The initiative is designed to foster networks and relationships across cultural, professional, and institutional domains.

We are excited to announce that we are convening the 2nd Annual Mavericks Congress this July. This year’s Congress, The Escape to Dinner World Series, will bring teams together from diverse professional backgrounds to battle it out for the world-championship title. Teams of competitors will race to solve mixed-reality puzzles in order to locate and arrive at a dinner with other interesting and accomplished professionals from fields within and adjacent to the language professions.

Sponsorship and participation opportunities are available. If interested, please email CASLS Development and Insturctional Strategist Christopher Daradics ( for additional information.

Inputdate2020-02-13 16:03:59
Lastmodifieddate2020-02-17 04:31:02
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2020-02-17 02:15:01
Displaydate2020-02-17 00:00:00